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Vegitz Passion for Details
Auto-Group files to folder using VB6
I'm sure you've seen a lot of tutorials out there, but rarely do you see how to apply those techniques in the real world so today we're...
PJON One Loft System version 2.0
ONE LOFT SYSTEM v 2.0 Welcome back!!! We're getting closer to Version 2!!! Pigeon and Owner Management modules are done, we just need to...
Create a basic picture slider in VB6
This was supposed to be for VB.Net but then I thought, with how much tools available at VB.Net, anybody can really do an image slider in...
Non-traditional FOR..NEXT loop in VB6
Most of us write loops using index, but do you know that you can also write loops using objects? Yes, it sounds like VB.Net but I'm...
Making your VB6 code scriptable
There is a function/method available in VB6 that very few programmers know about. But like most techniques, it's usually dismissed...
PJON One Loft version 2
It's been almost three (3) years since the One Loft Race events held in Batangas and it's time PJON make the next version starting this...
VB's ByVal and ByRef : Why should you care?
If you've coded VB for some time, you probably have noticed that parameters are declared either as "ByVal" or "ByRef" --- but do you know...
Meguiar's Ultimate Quik Detailer Review
Maintaining a shiny car used to be too much of a work especially for weekend warriors like me. Back in the days you'd have to do a full...
Visual Basic: COM to NET
Basic has been around for a very long time. There's BASIC, BASICA, GWBASIC, QBASIC, TURBO BASIC and maybe more variants that I'm not...
What schools don't teach
School is a place where we learn lots of things. And what we can learn depends on the educational level. For example, Elementary...